Please read and adhere to it. The gates will open at 830 am. DO NOT arrive before that. The below was sent as a text or phone call per the Broadcast system we send out every month.


February 10, 2024 Giveaway COPY

There will be a Giveaway this Saturday, February 10th from 10 am to 12 noon. The Giveaway line will stop at 12 noon sharp. We will service everyone that comes by 12 noon. Please note: DO NOT park on the side of the road. You can receive a ticket and so can we. Parking on the shoulder is for EMERGENCIES only! It is also illegal to block a Mailbox. If you are caught parking on the side of the road or blocking the mailboxes, you will be asked to leave. I have warned and warned you. The only way I will accept you parking on the side of the road is to temporarily pull off to avoid a pile up on Hwy 15. If you do not abide by this, I will call the STATE POLICE. This unacceptable behavior can cause us to be shut down and then no one will get any food. I have discussed this with God's Pantry and they agree.